A wild-spirited Genasi is constantly improving on their craft, with the self-assurance to show for it. They're a mixed race between a genie and a human, known for being outcasts by the mortal and magical realms. Something that would shake up the gameplay would be to introduce the outsider race of the Genasi. This anger would likely lend itself to strength in battle, at the sacrifice of poor social interactions. The same can be said for Half-Orcs, although their human blood tempers the reaction a little. The Orc race is known for being hostile towards other races, as their lore states that everything in the world was stolen from them. If Larian Studios wanted to complete its half-race collection, it would add in Orcs and Half-Orcs. It is always good to have a friendly party member who can get dangerous when the time comes. Some members of this race also have Breath Attacks, which use their latent dragon heritage to breathe forth destructive energy. These egg-born humanoids are known for being charismatic as well as an exceptional strength. Ī cool race to add would be the scaly Dragonborn, popularized in the 4th edition. Larian won't have to shoot in the dark to figure out which races to add, as the fan demand for certain characters in Dungeons and Dragons Beyond isn't hard to deduce. While this is to be expected, as the game is still in Early Access, players are hoping they see Larian Studios add more races sooner rather than later. While the available races give players a wide array of choices in how they tell their story, this list is still missing a few choices.