Our readers have come to expect excellence from our products, and they can count on us to maintain a commitment to producing rigorous and innovative information products in whatever forms the future of publishing may bring. Show more Show more Playing DEFCON with a Nuclear Arms Expert Waypoint 47K. Through our commitment to new products-whether digital journals or entirely new forms of communication-we have continued to look for the most efficient and effective means to serve our readership. An alert state used by the United States Armed Forces, the term DEFCON refers to defense readiness condition. military defense readiness condition warning status that can be ordered by the Pentagon, such as in situations like a state of war, or heightened military or nuclear threat, and defcon level 5 being the lowest threat level. Since the late 1960s, we have experimented with generation after generation of electronic publishing tools. The current defcon level alerts range from status levels 1 to 5, with defcon level 1 being the highest actual U.S. After assessing the situation with Russia and their forces. I don’t think a nuclear war would just concern the US, bud. To my understanding it is broken down into areas, couldn’t find a handy chart explaining that but this is the global average. DEFCONs are phased increases in combat readiness. The Press's enthusiasm for innovation is reflected in our continuing exploration of this frontier. The current overall Defcon level OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) estimate is now Defcon level 3. To answer your question the We is The US Defcon is basically a US threat level assessment and readiness system. DEFCONs are graduated to match situations of varying military severity, and are numbered 5,4,3,2, and 1 as appropriate. It should be noted that this was a controversial decision among the DWS staff, and we acknowledge that it will most likely be debated by those who follow our updates. We were among the first university presses to offer titles electronically and we continue to adopt technologies that allow us to better support the scholarly mission and disseminate our content widely. There has been a lot of controversy from the public on the recent lowering of the DEFCON alert level. Among the largest university presses in the world, The MIT Press publishes over 200 new books each year along with 30 journals in the arts and humanities, economics, international affairs, history, political science, science and technology along with other disciplines.