MS FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver) are used to create Web pages. PowerPoint, Lotus Freelance) are used to create slide shows and presentations like this one which can be viewed on-screen or with a data or overhead projector
Application software is further classified into two categories One is general purpose software which is used for much number of tasks and provides many features. There are 6 types of mobile applications broken down by industry that cover all examples of app development. Application software can be generic or customized. Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator) is used to access the Internet and send and receive e-mail It is designed to solve user problems as per the user’s requirements. 2D-Design, AutoCAD, TurboCAD) are used to produce engineering designs and architectural plans

MS Publisher, PageMaker, PagePlus) are used to produce professional quality publications such as posters, books, newsletters, newspapers and magazines Desktop publishing (DTP) packages (e.g.MS Word, WordPerfect) are used to produce text based documents such as letters, reports and memos MS Excel, Lotus 123) are used for tasks that involve a lot of calculations or for the production of graphs and charts

MS Access, Lotus Approach, Paradox) are used to store and retrieve information
It will be well supported with a lot of books about how to use it available as well as on-line help and discussions on the Internet. Application software differs from system software because its more focused and specific. Not all software is in the form of applications, but all applications are a type of software. It will have been thoroughly tested so there will be very little chance of it having any serious faults or ‘bugs’ Application software is any program or interface that helps the end user perform certain functions.

It is readily available and can be installed quickly and easily There are several good reasons for using this type of ready-made software. Most computer users buy application packages ‘off-the-shelf’. This means, for example, that any one of the many different word processing packages that you could buy will all do the same general sorts of tasks as each other. This type of software is sometimes called generic software. Word processors, spreadsheets, databases, graphics and presentation software are all examples of application packages. A general-purpose application package is a type of software that can perform many different related tasks.