From the first floor area, face the missing wall facing the street and look in a desk to the right. Gold #6: In the Police Station, go to the second floor and drop down to the destroyed floor on the first - be careful, don’t drop into the basement.To the left, look underneath the bed frame to find a gold collectible. To the right, there’s a small table with a starcard. Gold #5: From the third floor fire escape, take the stairs up to the fourth floor and drop down into the room below.Just to the right of the ladders, you’ll find this gold. In the ruined basement, there’s a narrow shaft with two ladders. Gold #4: Drop down to the ruined bottom floor of the first interior building.There’s a tight passage with a crashed vehicle on the right - look near the truck’s cab to get this gold. Gold #3: On the ruined street, enter the far-left tunnel under the concrete wreckage.Look inside the cargo container in the water behind the plane. Gold #2: To the left of the same pier, there’s a crash airplane in the water.The gold is found under the water, in the bottom-left corner of the container. Gold #1: On the ruined pier at the very start of the side-mission / main mission, look for a partially sunk cargo container to the right.Gold is not missable, and you can return to any areas with gold items using the War Map. Gold collectibles appears in Club Kreisau for viewing, and you’ll find these secretive items only in combat missions. There are 50 gold objects found throughout Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus – How To Unlock The Secret Final Mission | Post-Game Guide.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus – How To Farm Enigma Codes & Max Perks.Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus – How To Beat The Last Boss | Zerstörer Guide.Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus – How To Get All 3 Contraptions & Unlockable Perks.Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus – How To Play An “Alternative” Wolf 3D | Easter Egg Guide.